PEPTI-nano mask is not just a uniform solid medium; it contains millions of microfiber in an aqueous environment. The nanofibers help to redirect the light through the mask and deliver it to the skin’s surface, instead of scattering around when using the LED itself.

Some LED manufacturers say they don’t want anything on the face except clean, dry skin.

Depending on the wavelength and the intensity of the LED light source, some machines are designed to remove the dead cell and intend to stimulate the cell regeneration. In that case, there is no need to use any medium between the skin and the light source.

Most LED machines on the market are giving lower intensity light to the skin for more cosmetic purposes. The LED is often used in combination with topical serums during LED procedures; with the serum serving the same goal of redirecting the light to the skin surface.

We currently don’t have any studies that show skin condition after use the LED with nano mask, because there are so many different LED machines out there with different attachments.

Last Update: October 20, 2018
October 20, 2018 2571FAQ’s