Product Samples and Sample Information Cards (5 pack)

Product Samples and Sample Information Cards (5 pack)

Product Samples and sample information cards are a beneficial selling tool to capture new clients. Sample information cards provide easy to follow instructions on how to apply and the benefit of each peptide. Allow clients to try our products – no hassle – to keep them coming back! (Product samples included). Measures 9.5 x 5.5 x 1.75 inches measurement includes bag utilized for shipment

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Category: Marketing Resources


Product Samples and sample information cards are a beneficial selling tool to capture new clients. Sample information cards provide easy to follow instructions on how to apply and the benefit of each peptide. Allow clients to try our products – no hassle – to keep them coming back! (Product samples included). Measures 9.5 x 5.5 x 1.75 inches measurement includes bag utilized for shipment